Casual Connect is coming to Belgrade!

Casual Connect, the world’s largest conference dedicated to industry developing casual video games will be held in Serbia for the first time – from 10th to 12th of November 2014, at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Belgrade. Platinum sponsor of the conference is Eipix Entertainment, Novi Sad based company, currently the most productive and influential player in the global market of HOPA (Hidden Object Puzzle Adventure) games – the leading genre of casual games.
Casual games are easy and relaxing. People read books, go to the theater, listen to music or watch movies, just to be drawn into new, more distant, imaginary worlds. With video games, the feeling of fascination is more immersive, because games allow users to participate, to influence the course of events and to experience variety of adventures.
On the first conference day at 11.30am, Vladimir Zivkovic, Director of Premium Sector in Eipix Entertainment, will give a lecture about one of the biggest challenges faced by all those who strive to create exciting virtual worlds: How to “protect” them from reality and preserve imagination. Vladimir will share his experience with people in the profession, representatives of successful companies, and those from independent developers.
Versatile program of this three-day conference will include a series of lectures by experts from world-renowned companies such as Big Fish Games, Facebook, Unity and others. Local and international independent development teams will present their projects before thousands of professionals and conference participants, and have a unique opportunity to improve their business through corporate events with international speakers.
More information about the conference, program, as well as guidance for the accreditation of journalists can be found here.
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