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Cirila i Metodija 13, Novi Sad

+381 21 6341184

+381 21 6341184

core business: 12
other: 0

Established in 2004 | Ltd.
Languages: English, German, Serbian

About the company

TIAC group is a software company, established in 2004 in University City of Novi Sad, Serbia. Despite being a small company with 12 employees, through time we have acquired ample experience and built a strong team capable to fulfil high demands in software development business. Our areas of work range from software development and optimization software to software process improvement.

The mission of our company is the application of software project management and software quality assurance in software development, together with providing consulting services in this area. Our goal is to achieve high standard software process that will assure high quality development.

In the following years, we expect the success and growth on domestic market as well as the growing presence on European and other international markets. We strongly believe that in ten years period our company will become a leading consulting expert in the field of project management and IT technologies in South-eastern Europe.

Main Products and Services

  • Custom tailored software development – Business Process Automation, Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Enterprise Content Management (ECM), Software Interoperability, Data Processing. Development on Microsoft and Java platforms.
  • Optimization software (INFORA) – solutions for optimization of vehicle routing in distribution phases of supply chains.
    Route manager: standalone software module with possibility of integration with an existing solution of the client.


Domestic (Serbia), Netherlands, Denmark, Norway, UK, US, Canada, Australia, South Africa, Slovenia, Italy, France


Target marketsGermany, Netherlands, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, UK, Austria, Switzerland US
Any unique product/serviceOptimization software (INFORA)
What is the short-term strategy?strengthening our position on our target markets through implementation of our export marketing plan
What is the long-term strategy?To become one of the strong ad recognisable custom solutions providers in the region. Moving our ori
Wish to hold position or to grow aggressivelyTo grow
Collaboration sought in following fieldsforeign representative,sales channels,joint venture,EU projects,EU partners
Describe profile of desired partner company (System Integrator, Sales Service, etc.)system integration companies that would use our custom tailored services, smaller IT companies that
Main needs (strategic, development...)finding quality clients from EU, funding support


Major accountsWeatherford, Houston, USA; Novi LLC, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA; ServePro AS, Oslo, Norway; Datal
Service strengthsProduct/service quality, Low price of products, Experience, Skilled workforce, Geographic location
Service weaknessesCountry – Corruption, Bad taxing policies
With what accounts are the best relationshipsWeatherford, Houston, USA; ServePro AS, Oslo, Norway; Bluefish, Copenhagen, Denmark


Overall reputation in the business communityvery good, the company is recognised as a compact business that creates quality products in its core