O kompaniji
We have had a good idea and have been guided by the fact that no adequate business software can be found in the global market which could provide agriculture sector with appropriate management of complex production processing aiming at increase in yields, revenues and reduction of total operating costs and expenses. That is why we have established Greensoft company in January 2012 and started to bring the idea into reality. We have developed software solutions specialized for managing agriculture production processes and all types of lands based on GIS technology. These are copyright software solutions “AgroGIS” and “AgroLIFE” registered with the Serbian Patent Institute (The Republic of Serbia Intellectual Property Office). We are proud of have household owners, agronomists and public authorities as users, satisfied with the quality and functions of our products. Our users are provided with efficient and optimum way of planning and running entire agro-business when using AgroGIS and AgroLIFE software in every day’s operations which makes us have our MISSION accomplished.
Since 2014, as a member of TeleGroup system, our VISION has been to place the existing group of IT products dedicated for agro-business on the global market and to create new products for the intelligent agriculture and water resources management.
Osnovni proizvodi i usluge
IT agro solutions:
- AgroLIFE
- AgroGIS
Razvojni planovi i inostrana saradnja
Grow company services and strengthen our position on the global market.
WorldWide, EMEA
Greensoft wins the title for innovation in the agribusiness sector, category “Best in business”.
Greensoft company received “Kapetan Miša Anastasijević” award.
Obim i performanse
Koje geografske oblasti ova kompanija najbolje uslužuje? | Vojvodina |
Koje još geografske oblasti ova kompanija može adekvatno da usluži? | Middle East, South Africa |
Target markets | Governments/government affiliates, large/multinational enterpises |
Unikatne usluge/proizvodi | Full cloud, multi-tenant platform aimed to integrate and control big number of dislocated small users in on one comprehensive system. |
Koja je kratkoročna strategija? | Grow company services in Serbia and boost sells in foreign markets. |
Koja je dugoročna strategija? | Recognizable global player in ICT niche. |
Da li kompanija teži da zadrži poziciju ili da agresivno raste? | To grow up to the 500% in the next several years. |
Da li je kompanija kandidat za udruživanje, prodaju, zajedničko ulaganje? | Short term - no, Long term - yes |
Traži se saradnja u sledećim oblastima | Mutual cooperation with projects, sells efforts in domestic and foreign market. |
Profil poželjne partnerske organizacije (Integrator sistema, usluge prodaje itd.) | EU project exports, sells and services |
Glavne potrebe (strateške, razvojne...) | exponential investments in R&D |
Najvažniji klijenti | PP Sombor, Neoplanta, Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo Novi Sad, Lučić Group, Municipality of Temerin, Municipality of Srbobran |
Prednosti usluga | Product/service quality, Skilled workforce, Flexibility, Experience |
Slabosti usluga | Country corruption, prejustice from the company institutions from western hemisphere |
Najbolji odnosi sa sledećim klijentima | With all equally good |
Reputacija u poslovnoj zajednici | According to our knowledge there are no bigger obstacles in our reputation. |
Pravni problemi u prošlosti | No |
Uključeni u društvene odgovornosti/dobrotvorne projekte | Yes |