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M&I Systems, Co.

Bulevar vojvode Stepe 16, Novi Sad

+381 21 6898602

+381 21 6898602

Osnovna delatnost:: 90
Ostali:: 11

Godina osnivanja: 1991 | Private
Jezici: English, Serbian

O kompaniji

M&I Systems, Co. is a consulting and software company that offer integrated strategic management solutions. Our focus is on the development and implementation of BPM, ERP, CRM and BI systems but we also offer analytical and strategic management consulting software, business software expertise, as well as outsourcing of resources and services. We have experience in IT and have been providing software and consulting to companies since 1991. and acquired extensive experience in this field.

M&I Systems, Co. activities are focused on the top consulting, innovative information systems, technology services, product development and implementation. Following modern concepts and strategies for market development, M & I Systems, Co. aims to maintain a leading place as a supplier of technology business solutions and services in the region.

M&I Systems, Co. Group currently employs a total of over 120 people, our headquarters is located in Serbia and we have location in Bosnia and Herzegovina. We have an excellent reputation with our partners and customers in Serbia and the Balkans as well as with our partner in EU and USA.


Osnovni proizvodi i usluge

MIS2Open (ERP), MIS4i (ERP),  BI (Business intelligence), SAP (ERP),  BPM (Business process management), PPM (Process performance management), SFA PDA (Sales force automation), MIS Store (Retail), CRM (Customer Relationship Management), UNIS (University information system), RETUS (Restaurants), REDIS, LEGALIS, ARHIS, Outsourcing of payroll services, Outsourcing of programming, Call Center & Service desk services, Data center services, Customer software development.

Razvojni planovi i inostrana saradnja

Expanding portfolio of products and services in order to provide complete services to existing and future clients. Collaboration with IT companies on the local and global level.


ISO 9001

SAP, SoftwareAG - IDS Scheer, IBM, EMC, Microstrategy, Microsoft…



Serbia, Bosnia & Hercegovina, Montenegro, Macedonia, EU, USA

Obim i performanse

Koje geografske oblasti ova kompanija najbolje uslužuje?Former Yugoslavia
Koje još geografske oblasti ova kompanija može adekvatno da usluži?European countries, America


Target marketsSerbia, Bosnia & Hercegovina, Croatia, Slovenia, Macedonia, EU
Unikatne usluge/proizvodiERP systems - MIS2Open, MIS4; Banking Information System - BIS
Koja je kratkoročna strategija?Ensuring growth in economic crisis
Koja je dugoročna strategija?Increasing the volume of business and strengthening the position of IT leader in the region
Da li kompanija teži da zadrži poziciju ili da agresivno raste?Satisfactory growth
Da li je kompanija kandidat za udruživanje, prodaju, zajedničko ulaganje?We are interested if there is a good strategic partner
Traži se saradnja u sledećim oblastimaERP systems, business intelligence, core banking system, Business process management and optimizatio
Profil poželjne partnerske organizacije (Integrator sistema, usluge prodaje itd.)Software development company interested in cooperation, mutual development and outsourcing. Company
Glavne potrebe (strateške, razvojne...)The main need is for funds and projects, as well as participation in major international projects.


Najvažniji klijentiDroga Kolinska (Grand Prom, Soko Stark, Palanacki kiseljak, Argeta…), SIMPO, YU Point (BPI, KLAS, Zi
Prednosti uslugaExtensive knowledge and experience, good support and continuous product development
Slabosti uslugaPoor internet infrastructure in region, poor professional quality of the users.
Najbolji odnosi sa sledećim klijentimaWith clients who have high-quality personnel both in the key business processes and IT.


Reputacija u poslovnoj zajedniciMIS2Open is one of the best selling domestic ERP systems in the region. Partnership with the largest
Pravni problemi u prošlostiNo
Uključeni u društvene odgovornosti/dobrotvorne projekteSponsorship of sports events, participation in humanitarian activities