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Futoska 35, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia

+381 21 494 477

+381 21 531 960

Osnovna delatnost:: 5
Ostali:: 0

O kompaniji

Privately owned software company. Open source software.

Osnovni proizvodi i usluge

SmartParking - allows parking users to pay through SMS, web interface, email, smart phone apps. Parking Back office. Deployed in more than 20 cities in Serbia, 4 cities in Netherlands, 2 cities in Slovakia
jZIS - hospital/patient management system
ERPić - ERP system for medium companies and local governments
Oil&Gas custom solution - bunkering station, Tank software etc.


  • DB performance tuning, optimization
  • Java development
  • Android development

Razvojni planovi i inostrana saradnja

Deployment of SmartParking system.
Information system outsourcing in our areas of expertise.

Obim i performanse

Koje geografske oblasti ova kompanija najbolje uslužuje?Serbia and timezone compatible areas
Koje još geografske oblasti ova kompanija može adekvatno da usluži?Europe, North Africa


Target marketstimezone compatible markets (Europe, Middle East, North Africa)
Unikatne usluge/proizvodiSmartParking - flexible parking payment and management
Koja je kratkoročna strategija?Find a partner for SmartParking deplyment
Koja je dugoročna strategija?Information system outsourcing
Da li kompanija teži da zadrži poziciju ili da agresivno raste?Grow export revenue
Traži se saradnja u sledećim oblastimaparking, healthcare, oil&gas
Profil poželjne partnerske organizacije (Integrator sistema, usluge prodaje itd.)software developing company with in depth knowledge in parking, healthcare, oil&gas



Reputacija u poslovnoj zajedniciGood
Pravni problemi u prošlostiNo
Uključeni u društvene odgovornosti/dobrotvorne projekteYes